Sunday, October 11, 2009

Contradiction and Hipocracy Make My World Go Round, Now How Do I Stop It From Turning?

I wish the world would end during my lifetime
just so we would know what went wrong
just so I would get to see it.
I wish snow wasn't so cold,
I wish every time it rained, it poured.

I wish we were all re-born tomorrow without a memory of any previous life
just to see what we would still know
just to see who we would still be.
I wish I knew the meaning of everything,
I wish everything had meaning.

I wish music composed itself sometimes
just so anything with ears could listen.
just so I wouldn't feel so envious
I wish denim were indestructible.
I wish all material goods lasted forever.

I wish technology wasn't worth the damage it did
just so people stopped using it all together
just so I wouldn't feel like an idiot typing on a keyboard.
I wish we got dairy without exploiting cows.
I wish everyone gave as much as they took.

I wish everyone craved knowledge like they craved foods
just so starving yourself would be that much harder
just so I could eat as much lasagna as I wanted.
I wish metabolism wasn't a word.
I wish there were no such things as disorders.

I wish challenges were everyday things
just so strength was measured more accurately
just so age was even more respected.
I wish immortality was rare.
I wish I could believe in an afterlife.

I wish organization was easy as pie
just to make government unnecessary
just to make my room a safer place to walk through.
I wish I could levitate.
I wish I had telepathy.

I wish I could read everyone's minds
just to know who people really are
just to know what people really believe in.
I wish religions didn't demand as much.
I wish humanity demanded more.

I wish progress was measured in miles
just so highways had more impact
just so I would run a marathon.
I wish vacuums were common natural occurrences.
I wish the easy button was never thought up.

I wish the world could fix itself
just so people could lead better lives
just so I'd have time to kill.
I wish the impossible weren't so frightening.
I wish I thought the world was fine the way it was.

But the world's future isn't looking quite that grim
snow still means frozen water
the rain merely sprinkles from time to time

and I feel I can do nothing to change any of this.
I wish a genie were here to make my wishes come true,
without a single contradiction.

1 comment:

Fred said...

I like this. i agree with this.