Saturday, November 5, 2011


When a droplet becomes a wave-
When a tree becomes a forest-
When one becomes a thousand-
When a freak becomes the norm-
is that when we start to care?

When it's made cost effective-
When it's made convenient-
When it's made mainstream-
When it's made easy-
is that when we step in to help?

Try to get up,
try to help...
but energy is hard to find these days,
and no one is watching-
So what's the point?

To help
The single droplet?
The lonely tree?

Saturday, July 9, 2011


BOOM! goes the dynamite inside my head
bigger than anything I'll ever dread
all the thoughtbuildings destroyed and thoughtanimals dead
thoughtrecovery teams handing out bread
to the thoughtvictims that so badly bled
protecting my thought treasures and memories instead
of taking shelter where explosive thoughts did not tread
good thing my most precious memories were encompassed in thoughtlead
because everything else has been destroyed just by having been said.

Monday, June 6, 2011

The Great Pacific

There's nothing quite as refreshing as feeling small..
A smooth rushing wave spreads towards you and everything else that's near, the sand beneath your toes stretches farther than you've ever been able to see before and you can't hear your company calling, who has shrunk with distance, shouting, trying to be heard over the crashing and rolling, in a world too vast and open to be concerned with things like sandy toes and pant legs dripping from water that unexpectedly rose too high. They don't mean a thing.

You step in and feel the pressure on your shins, pushing you back, pulling you in. In the end it doesn't matter which way you go.

You know you'll end up like the sea shells, washed up on shore, or what's left of them, broken into pieces, some so tiny they could end up as slivers in your sandy feet. The massive tide finally wore them out, and it was sudden, as you can plainly see when you pick up the triangular bits of remains.

But then, for a moment, you feel big again, at least compared to the broken shells. You must be more worthy of surviving than them, you think. Shells merely contain life whereas you are life, right? Is a body better than a shell?

And you feel small once more, watching the sun set. What light there is left illuminates still so much of a something that you wouldn't be able count in pounds or meters or single entities of other sorts. There is no measurement for beauty. It's everywhere, and you want to touch everything so that it may stay with you even when you're gone, or that maybe you'll have the honor of being able to stay with it.

But you feel as if you're not even there to begin with, such is your impermanence. Every footstep lasts but a few seconds on the shoreline. However, you are also glad that some things remain untouched and that some actions (however small) really have no consequences, no impact, and no trace whatsoever. This feeling brings a whole new meaning to having the weight of the world lifted off of your shoulders.

There's something freeing in being small. And yet, you are like the one shell that remans intact when the tide crashes in so violently and disrupts your peace, time after time. You see the others crack and shatter, the ones who could not wthstand its mighty power, but you stay strong, as small as you are, because as meak of a purpose as it seems, you can provide a shelter to life even more vulnerable than yourself. Your shell may be crushedeventually, but it's okay. You don't matter but for the life inside of you.

Sunday, April 10, 2011


I here you coming, see the sun flee,
and it's dark when it's not supposed to be
I feel disappointment, lethargy,
and anxiousness for what soon will be

Now it's falling, pouring down,
little, sharp, stabbing the ground
Now, after silence, the air fills with sound,
while puddles form on the ground

I'm waiting so impatiently,
taking it out on those closest to me
I'm watching the storm enviously
its rage produces life, unlike me.

Love & Acceptance Go Hand In Hand

To a special someone who has found a special someone: Don't give up. Don't let them wear you down. You're not alone.

So beautiful, blue- and green-eyed
baseball cap and curls walking side by side,
fighting, fingers intertwined, holding hands
proudly wearing invisible rainbow bands
they use their love to fight this war,
ironic, it's also what they're fighting for.
One brushes a lock out of the other's face,
how are they different from the rest of our race?
make-up on all four eyelids,
why does this mean they shouldn't have kids?
judgement is a risk they take
for a better future's sake.
I don't want their strength to wear down
before they can both go shopping for wedding gowns
but they are still so criticized,
and I thought more people had realized
that hate is useless, love is the key
for any kind of family.